306 Hospital Support Regiment
The Worshipful Company of International Bankers has been affiliated with 306 Hospital Support Regiment (306 HSR) since March 2012.

306 Hospital Support Regiment

The Worshipful Company of International Bankers has been affiliated with 306 Hospital Support Regiment (306 HSR) since March 2012. 306 HSR is part of 2 Medical Brigade, Royal Army Medical Corps, a nationally recruited reserve unit of the British Army based Strensall, near York.
The Commanding Officer is Lt Col Kevin J Forbes MA (Hons) DipHEN PgCTLT MSc PhD RGN RNT QARANC.
Acting as a manpower reserve for the medical services within the British Army, its soldiers are therefore trained to fit seamlessly into any military field hospital or other medical environment within or outside the British Army.
Its medical complement is multi-disciplinary, comprising officers and other ranks from the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) and the Royal Army Dental Corps (RADC) and comprises a variety of specialist medical, surgical and nursing personnel in fields such as general practice medicine, paediatrics, midwifery, plastic surgery, physiotherapy and anaesthetics.
Members of the Regiment have seen a significant amount of frontline service in recent years, taking part in a variety of military, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations including tours in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone.
X.com: @306Hsr
Visit the 306 Hospital Support Regiment website.

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