AI - Should we put the genie back in the bottle?

On Thursday 23 May, the Events Committee invites you to what promises to be a lively discussion evening on the hot topic of AI.

AI – should we put the genie back in the bottle?

With significant investment over the past few years, AI has started to become a visible part of work and home life. Already desktop capabilities will do many tasks for us: absorb meeting conversations into minutes and notes, or calculate complex volatility scenarios with minimal input.

The trend and utility will grow even further throughout 2024 and yet, for many close to the development of AI, there are concerns over not just the bias of these helpful machines, but what their presence does to our confidence in “what is true?”

With our speaker, AI and Data professional Ben Green, we will explore specific scenarios around “human in the loop” to manage bias in AI models and will showcase some of the leading-edge capabilities of Gen AI around image manipulation, and will consider the pros and cons of what that means for our perceptions of ’truth’.

The content of this event is aimed at anyone who is starting to engage more deeply with AI tools or who is considering how to commercialise data investments through AI. It will be presented in a highly accessible and non-technical way. 

Due to the size of the room, places are limited to 40. WCIB members may bring one guest.

Ben Green is an AI and Data professional who has 20 years’ experience in financial services, global retail banking, trading exchanges, and FinTech. In this interactive talk he looks to share exciting real world examples of the highs and lows of AI in financial services and to open the discussion on whether the genie needs to go back in the bottle, or should we learn to spot when there is magic at play?


Thursday, May 23, 2024
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Thursday, May 23, 2024
7:30 pm
Sold out